About Us

Shaping the Future of Agriculture

We are a pioneering agricultural technology company established in 2022 to shape the future of healthy and sustainable agriculture in the heart of cities. By producing Aeroponic Vertical Farms, we push the boundaries of agriculture and offer innovative solutions beyond traditional methods. Our journey began with the desire to redefine agriculture’s place in the modern world and make food production more accessible, environmentally friendly, and efficient.

Our Vision

At Organicho, we are dreaming big even in limited square meters. Our vision is to create highly efficient farms in city centers and densely populated areas with minimal water, energy, and labor costs, enabling healthy agriculture. This vision reflects our commitment to leaving a more sustainable world for future generations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to revolutionize food production in cities and other densely populated areas using soilless farming methods. Our Aeroponic systems keep plant roots suspended in the air and deliver nutrient solutions directly to the roots, maximizing water and nutrient efficiency. With this approach, we surpass the limitations of traditional agriculture, achieving higher yields with less water and energy usage.

Our Values

At Organicho, our core values shape our business:

Sustainability: We protect the future by offering solutions that minimize environmental impact and conserve water and energy.

Innovation: We develop revolutionary solutions in agriculture using technology and innovation.

Community Contribution: We aim to create positive change in cities by increasing access to healthy and fresh food.

Accessibility: We strive to make agriculture more accessible by providing systems that enable everyone to grow their own food.

Quality and Reliability: We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of quality in our products and services.

Our Story

The story of Organicho began with our founders’ passionate belief in ensuring food security and access in cities. In a world where population is rapidly increasing but agricultural lands are decreasing, traditional farming methods are proving insufficient. To address this challenge, we embarked on a journey to bring agriculture to the heart of cities.

From the outset, we worked to explore the potential of aeroponic systems and make them efficient and economical. Today, our aeroponic vertical farming towers demonstrate that green spaces and fresh produce can thrive even in the most challenging urban environments.

Our Technology and Solutions

Our aeroponic technology suspends plant roots in the air and delivers nutrients and water directly through spraying. This process uses 95% less water compared to traditional soil-based farming and requires significantly less space. It enables high-efficiency farming even in narrow spaces and facilitates sustainable food production in urban areas.

At Organicho, we offer the following innovative solutions:

Vertical Tower Systems: Systems that allow vertical utilization of space, maximizing efficiency in limited areas.

Aeroponic Growing Technology: Soilless cultivation method that promotes faster plant growth and higher yields.

Smart Farm Management Systems: Advanced sensors and software for monitoring, controlling, and optimizing fields.

Our Future Perspective

Organicho is committed not only to shaping today’s agriculture but also to influencing the agriculture of tomorrow. With our developed systems and technologies, we aim to create a world where everyone can grow their own food. Our goal is to contribute to a more sustainable and healthy future by cultivating agriculture in the heart of cities.

Join us on this exciting journey to build the future of agriculture together. We strive to ensure that everyone, everywhere has access to healthy and fresh food, and we invite you to be part of this vision.